all about....Kieran!

Thanks for visiting Kiki's blog!

Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Christmas

We had our little family Christmas today. We read a toddler friendly version of the Christmas story and then opened gifts. We didn't need to buy Kiki and presents this year because you all sent so many gifts for her through Dad - thank you for helping to make this Christmas special for us! Kieran is now squishing her new mermaid toys into her new play dough while holding her new neon teddy bear and watching a Boz video. What a multi-tasker! I'm wondering how on earth to dress the mermaid doll. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Red Dress

Kieran is wearing the same red dress that I wore at her age for similar pictures. This dress is special because my Grandma Smith made it from the velvet cloth that Mom's bridesmaids wore in her wedding. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kiki and Grandpa around town

The first pic of Gramdpa and Kiki at a friend's birthday party. The second pic is of G-pa and Kiki on the staircase of our new house.

Kieran and Grandpa at Clifton Beach

I tricked Dad into taking a camel ride.

Kieran and Gramdpa at Lal Qila

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kieran and her baby

Kiki's first pony tail


Kieran at the beach

More Cowgirl pics

Kieran is the fastest peanut sheller in the west. Her Dad taught her how to do it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Jon, Kieran and I had a great time visiting friends in Sanghar. We were able to sleep out under the stars (under mosquito nets) next to 3 water buffalo. We, and especially Kieran, thought it was a riot and were so thankful for a break from city life. I had a hard time sleeping, though, as one water buffalo had a bell around his neck that he thought he needed to ring every few seconds. Kieran got to feed the buffalo watermelon rinds in the morning and chase the chickens around all afternoon.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


We had a ton of visiting to do during the 3 days of Eid. One of my friends made Kiki a local dress to wear for the occasion.

Around Town

Kiki had fun at Usman's 1st birthday party with our friends Diandra, Rukshi, Michelle and Appo from left to right. We are posing for a video being made of the party. The day before the party we went to a restaurant called Gun Smoke where Kieran had a great time being a cowgirl.

in Queta

Kieran was flying high in Queta

Medical Team

Kieran enjoyed having the medical team with us. These are a few of the people that worked with us - Frank, Mike and Jeremey

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Elephant Ranch

We went to the elephant ranch today. We didn't get to ride one through through the jungle as Kiki is too small, but we did get to feed them bananas and sugar cane sticks.

The Orchid Farm

We visited an orchid farm / butterfly farm today. There was only one butterfly and Kieran wasn't into having her picture taken.